Are you a right-brain or a left-brain thinker? Do you even know? How many times have you heard, if you think of yourself as a creative person, then you might be a right-brain thinker? Or, if [...]
If there’s one thing western design has benefitted from, it’s Japan. Design has always been a cross pollination of ideas, and the influence of Japanese design, art and architecture on creative [...]
I have learned a small fun fact about our eyes. Hold your arm straight out and look at your thumb. The size of your thumbnail is how much your eyes can see in high resolution, which is your focus [...]
Spring has officially arrived, and while that means warmer days are ahead, it also means something far more monumental is on its way. Every day, there is a palpable air of excitement.
We’ve been working on a lot of fun branding projects recently where we’ve had an opportunity to explore redesigning our clients’ existing logos. This has sparked a lot of conversation around the [...]
In design school, in addition to a practical education in the use of programs and the principles of design, I gained a thorough survey of art history. One of my favorite eras to learn about—and [...]
At the end of every year, people around the world begin crafting lofty resolutions, lists filled with things they’ll likely abandon by February, or March if they’re lucky. Societally, we do this [...]
The holidays are a tough time for procrastinators. If you’re like me (and I hope for your sake you’re not), you’re probably spending most of your evenings speed surfing the Internet for [...]
I’m sure everyone has heard of the weight loss plan, Weight Watchers. But after 55 years, this diet membership brand has decided to shed their values to better align with today’s standards of health.
In today’s attention economy where views equal dollars and content is being thrown at us wherever we look, it’s easy for people to be passive consumers—reading newsletters you didn’t subscribe [...]