Aluna Artisan Hemp – Branding

The client brought us the name Aluna Artisan Hemp and the audience they wanted to target: the young mom with a jam-packed schedule, who appreciates any moment she can get to herself. She knows what’s trendy and wants her hemp products to match the aesthetic of her other lifestyle products—sustainable and simple with a motif of femininity.

The client brought us the name Aluna Artisan Hemp and the audience they wanted to target: the young mom with a jam-packed schedule, who appreciates any moment she can get to herself. She knows what’s trendy and wants her hemp products to match the aesthetic of her other lifestyle products—sustainable and simple with a motif of femininity.

Every Day Deserves a Moment of Peace
Our creative team worked to create a place of Zen—with calming colors, beautiful landscape imagery, and airy, light typography. We kept the color pallet simple, pulling from natural hues and textures.

Every Day Deserves a Moment of Peace
Our creative team worked to create a place of Zen—with calming colors, beautiful landscape imagery, and airy, light typography. We kept the color pallet simple, pulling from natural hues and textures.

Our copy team focused on the message of self-care. We aimed to highlight the importance of giving yourself a moment, even if it’s short, to relax, rebalance and attend to your entire wellbeing.

Our copy team focused on the message of self-care. We aimed to highlight the importance of giving yourself a moment, even if it’s short, to relax, rebalance and attend to your entire wellbeing.

This project resulted in packaging for nearly a dozen hemp flower strains, keeping airy, natural and feminine as the throughline for all of the products. While the beautiful organic branding catches the customer’s attention, the high-quality hemp makes her a repeat shopper.

This project resulted in packaging for nearly a dozen hemp flower strains, keeping airy, natural and feminine as the throughline for all of the products. While the beautiful organic branding catches the customer’s attention, the high-quality hemp makes her a repeat shopper.

“BatesMeron did a great job encapsulating our target audience and their needs. They made each sub-brand stand out drastically from the others, too. The packing looks just like what we pictured when we conceived the name, Aluna Artisan Hemp.”

“BatesMeron did a great job encapsulating our target audience and their needs. They made each sub-brand stand out drastically from the others, too. The packing looks just like what we pictured when we conceived the name, Aluna Artisan Hemp.”