It’s no secret that 100 percent of the copywriters at BatesMeron have big personalities and big hair to go with them. Our curls and waves are as unpredictable, adorable and creative as we like to think we are—but we haven’t always felt this way.
Nina (left) and Rachel (second from right) with their hair all a’curl at a Chicago Bulls game. Oh yeah, Paul and Jordan went too.
We each spent hours in high school straightening, teasing and forcing our curls into a sleeker shape. After all, what popular girl or princess depicted in the movies ever had curly hair? In fact, many “before-and-after” movie makeovers feature an ugly duckling heroine transformed into prom queen with the magic wand of a flat iron. It’s just not right.
From curly to queen in “The Princess Diaries.” Pfft.
That’s why we’re so thrilled with Dove’s latest feel-good, love-yourself campaign to help women and girls of all ages and races embrace their curls instead of wrestle with them.
Check it out! #LoveYourCurls