6 Things Worth the Spend
Be honest, did that headline sound like clickbait? Because I promise, this article is NOT sponsored. 100% pure Becka’s personal opinions. If anyone I mention in here wants to throw money at me, [...]
Promoting Your Company Culture
Nobody wants to work somewhere they hate. That seems pretty obvious, but it’s becoming more relevant to workers and management alike. People are voluntarily leaving jobs more than they have in [...]
Ten Common Blog Writing Mistakes
Blogs have become powerful tools in personal and business relationships. But are we communicating properly? As the impact of blogs increases so should our attention to detail—particularly in [...]
Rachel’s Writing Corner: 4 Quick Editing Tips
It began slowly enough. It started with red pen on my forearms, right ring finger and clothing. Then, I noticed my morning RedEye crossword puzzles were starting to be done exclusively in red [...]
Business Romance
Whether you are a large business or small business entrepreneur, maintaining business relationships are vital in becoming successful. It’s no longer good enough to win the bid; clients want to [...]
Do it for Charlie Trotter
With the recent passing of Charlie Trotter, a true Chicago icon and food pioneer, I wanted to focus my post on food. Charlie’s passion for creating one-of-a-kind dishes inspired me to write about [...]