Happy Work Spectacular Life – Branding & Marketing
Where do you go when your job or your life (or both) need a pick-me-up?
You go to Happy Work Spectacular Life. Their team is a group of fiercely passionate researchers and advisors who’ve created a place for ideas, answers and experiences designed to help people find the path in life that’s right for them. Where did they go for a top-to-bottom identity creation that would get them on the good foot in the career coaching industry? Us.
With a name like Happy Work Spectacular Life, there was no way we could sit down for your typical brand brain picking. We stepped up with an epic discovery session, plastering our conference room walls with inspiration, and got to work hashing out everything from their beliefs to what their desired visual aesthetic could be.
Core messaging and positioning used relatable, conversational vocabulary to mold Happy Spectacular as a different breed of career coaching service.

The tagline “Find Yours” serves as a mantra for the brand and what it offers: a path to making a living that brings out the best in you.

It was important that Happy Spectacular stand apart from other career and lifestyle services, so we developed a visual style that’s equal parts brainy and irreverent. The logo design features a type treatment with strong editorial roots and the hand-drawn paper airplane icon reimagines an otherwise boring office supply as a symbol of rebellious career bliss.
Happy Spectacular’s brand collateral gave us another opportunity to let our creative flags fly. Business cards break from traditional layout norms, the letterhead is an office toy in the making and notecards boast check boxes for comical call-outs like ‘Bacon,’ ‘Drinks?’ and ‘$#!%.’ There’s even a collection of sticker seals that expand the brand iconography with fun drawings and messaging.
Letterhead that sneaks in instructions for folding your own paper airplane? Absolutely.
Happy Spectacular came to us asking for branding to launch their revolutionary approach to career and life coaching. Now the team has everything it needs to redefine what it means to have a meaningful career and life, with branding unabashed in its personality and functionality.

“BatesMeron is so intuitive and smart that it didn’t take them long to figure out who we are, what we want and a great way to present our brand. They make it super easy for the client and take the anxiety out of the overwhelming task of figuring out who you are and how you want to represent yourself.”