A mystery is brewing here at the BatesMeron office. Yes, sketches are being sketched, characters are coming to life, and a kid-friendly adventure is unfolding.
We can’t tell you where this adventure will lead, but we can say that it involves fun, thrilling and page-turning action!
Shhhh…here’s a sneak peek of what’s going on behind the scenes.
Art on Wheels
Having been a skateboarder since age ten, I have been exposed to more things than just road rash—although that seems to never go away. (I...
Quiz: Can You Recognize These Chicago Hot Spots?
How well do you know Chicago? Recently we tested our own Chicago knowledge while putting together an engaging, Windy City-centric infographi...
Life at a Design Agency: An Infographic
A look inside BatesMeron might not be what you think. (Or maybe it's exactly what you think.) Big ideas, small ideas, brainstorms and brain ...