Though we are only halfway into the month of July, it sure does feel as if August is right around the corner. The reason is probably because August is a big month for everyone here at BatesMeron, including myself.
Moving day is drawing near! Though we are all ecstatic about having larger and better space, there is a lot to get done. I was able to assist in the packing and I found it surprisingly to wrap and pack our iconic BMSD mugs for their new home. Change is good and while the next few weeks may get a little crazy, we are all too stoked to complain!
For me, now that I am just beyond my halfway point into this internship, I am beginning to figure out what I want to produce as my final project. I plan on designing something that I’ve never done before that will incorporate all the new skills I have picked up from my experience here at BatesMeron. I have been scrambling through Pinterest and Tumblr trying to get some ideas about what direction I want to pursue.
At the moment, I’m drawn towards infographics and timelines, which I’ve never designed before. There’s something about seeing a great infographic or timeline that inspires me to want to create my own. This final project is an experiment, and whether it ends up looking dreadful or pleasing to the viewer, I know I will be proud that took a step in a new direction and tried something new. (Editor’s note: check out some of these great infographics we’ve put together—hopefully Josey will let us add hers too!)
I hope to give you guys a sneak peek into my progress sometime soon! It’ll be a great way to keep me accountable. In the meantime, here is an image I discovered that shows a clean and minimalist direction that inspires me. This image is informative (though not that important) and besides, who doesn’t love Batman?

Batman infographic via Fast Company.
‘Til next week!
Your intern,