The American Osteopathic Association is a full-service resource for students, residents and practitioners of osteopathic medicine. They recently unveiled an interactive tool, the Career Compass, to help guide its members through all facets of their osteopathic career. Beyond setting goals and milestones for students, it also provides a space for peers to communicate with each other and share advice. After spending a lot of time developing this tool, the AOA wanted a cool way to let members know about it.
We created a custom, die-cut direct mailer as interactive as the Career Compass itself. We wanted members to grab this piece, play with it and then log on to create their profile.
The theme was “From the Ground Up,” to indicate that no matter what stage of their osteopathic career they’re in, AOA’s Career Compass will help guide them.
The six hexagons represent the categories of the online Career Compass, complete with corresponding iconography. They pull up to reveal a description for a more impactful, memorable user experience.
The background imagery is a mixture of graph paper and tools—scissors, pushpins and yes, a compass. This helps reinforce the idea of the Career Compass as a great resource for members charting their osteopathic careers.
We had a great time thinking out of the (tool)box with AOA on this piece and developing a unique direct mailer…from the ground up!