Collaboration is a word that we all heard as freshmen in college. You know, being in those common rooms or classes and being told that if we all work together, we can change the world.
With summer fast approaching and the temperature in Chicago climbing, the number of events happening around town is also on the rise. While during the winter months I find that I rely on [...]
As a gaggle of designers and word nerds, the BatesMeron team is really good at keeping its proverbial nose to the grindstone. Lately, we’ve almost been too good. With so much dedicated plugging [...]
My time at BatesMeron has been an enlightening experience. In this agency setting I have been able to put classroom concepts and tools to practice in the “real world.” Like most new things, it [...]
Among the maxims that generally ring true for my life: books are for escaping (i.e. exclusively fiction) and articles, magazines and newspapers are for learning (i.e. nonfiction). I decided to [...]
Every January, friends, co-workers and the internet goes all in on the topic of New Year’s Resolutions. People talk about dedicating at least 21 days to a resolution to be sure that it sticks.
If you’d asked me a few weeks ago if I was interested in anything OkCupid had to offer, I’d answer with a resounding “no.” I’m definitely not the online dating expert of the office and based on [...]
When you think of the something that has “stood the test of time” what comes to mind? Is it a building, a clothing trend, your favorite restaurant or maybe a relationship? Well something that may [...]
As a team of creatives, we spend all of our time absorbing rad stuff—be it cool designs, cool products or cool inspiration that we can draw from to do awesome work for our clients. Not everything [...]
Our tendency to seek inspiration from the same places can be what gets us stuck in creative ruts. If you read my last blog post, you may remember that I traveled around Asia just a few months [...]