Spill the Bees
We take holiday gift giving seriously. Not content with the same old, same old, we go all out in hopes of hitting our clients’ doorsteps with a gift unlike any other. This year, we went for maximum cheer with a get-to-know-you game where embarrassing stories are encouraged and a sense of humor is required. Say hello to SPILL THE BEES.
The Inspiration
At BatesMeron, we like to build great brands and even better relationships—and we like to do both with as much fun as possible. Before a new brand or campaign kick-off meeting with clients, we get the ball rolling and dodge any potential meeting awkwardness by diving into a bowl of absurd, strange and off-the-wall ice-breaker questions. It’s how we loosen up, share some laughs and get to know each other.
Play the BatesMeron Way
We had an inkling that these conversation kicker-offers would be just as sensational for business or pleasure—meetings, family dinners, first dates. Hopeful that we could play our small part in killing small talk, we pulled the most intriguing questions from our ice-breaker reserve and challenged ourselves to develop even more unexpected questions that will stun, entertain and engage the masses.
Straying far away from the ice-breaker questions of yore—you know the ones, they’re bland and they never, ever make you blush—we put ourselves through the ringer of question writing and testing (a.k.a. having beers and asking each other hilarious questions). In the end, Spill the Bees features 56 questions and commands designed for maximum laugh-ability.
Classic Cards with a Twist
The look of luxe Victorian playing cards inspired us to give Spill the Bees a traditional look with a touch of BatesMeron whimsy. Glossy, slick cards tucked into a tough, uncoated carton with splashes of yellow foil make for a mix of textures your fingertips will thank you for.
The Gift of Gab
Developing, curating and sharing Spill the Bees added boatloads of joy to our holiday season. And the delightful feedback from our clients made it extra special. We had a blast giving the world a glimpse into how we do what we do.
Are you interested in learning more about our game? Let us help you with your next project and we’ll kick the whole thing off with a round of Spill the Bees!