As a designer, I’ve always been a sucker for beautiful desktop wallpapers. Pair up some beautiful typography with unexpected color combinations, and I’m a fan. Some of my favorite wallpapers over the years have been graciously provided by the folks at Design Love Fest and Design Sponge. I also love scouring for vintage goodies that can fill my screen.
And so, in the spirit of my background obsession, I wanted to exercise my own wallpaper-making skills on behalf of BatesMeron. As a result, we are offering a lovely trio of artwork for your workspace. Please enjoy this treat from us to you!
Oops, We Did It Again
Can you believe it's October already? Neither can we. Due to the success of our last BatesMeron quiz, we just had to create another one revo...
The Top 8 Snacks We Consume While Researching, Project Managing, Designing and Writing
The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on what you’ve done during the past year and to make plans for the next. In that spirit, ...
Buh-Bye, Baby Bump: The Banished Words of 2012
Earlier this year, Lake Superior State University published their annual list of “banished words.” The college accepts nominations each ye...