David Muir

Senior Writer Bargain bin record shopper. Weekend print publication consumer. Everyday people watcher.

With a completely straight face, David will describe his writing style as somewhere between Roy Ayer’s Everybody Loves The Sunshine and Third World’s 96 Degrees In The Shade.

33 or 45 RPM, David is a die-hard audiophile who leverages music as inspiration for all things creative–including writing for BatesMeron.

From concepts to images to headlines to subheadlines to body copy infused with calls-to-action followed by memorable taglines moonlighting as sign-outs, David’s writing holds viewer attention from the beginning to the end of his communications. As with the way needles ride grooves to the center of the vinyl. Or cassette tapes end with a pop.

Analog to digital, playlists include crafting strategic business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing campaigns across multiple platforms. And mobile technologies, start-ups, data centers, event planning, hospitality, real estate, credit cards, sports, spirits and logistics are spun upon caller requests.

Need content carefully created and curated to suit your audience’s taste?

… “BatesMeron. The lines are open. Next caller.”