Halloween is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you’ve waited until the last minute to decide what to be. Here are 11 totally awesome graphic-design- and marketing- themed Halloween costumes guaranteed to make your co-workers giggle and your friends say “huh?”
In the spirit of the season, some are super cheeky and some are super nerdy, but all are BMSD-approved ideas that you can whip up with a little bit of those creative juices of yours.
Brain Storm
Make yourself into a big ol’ brain, then add some fluffy storm clouds and lightning bolts!
Negative Space
Wear all black and collage yourself with stars and planets and a smatter of negative comments like “this stinks,” “why bother?” and “everything is terrible.”
White Space
This one’s just like Negative Space, but you dress in all white instead. Decorate yourself with painted white planets, stars and moons.
Dress in something devilish and paste on some choice words in everyone’s favorite ubiquitous typeface. Add devil horns and a pitchfork and you are good to go!
Pantone Swatch
Become a living pantone swatch using felt or cardboard—or, to make it even easier, add a white strip with your swatch number to the bottom of a solid color t-shirt.
Viral Content
Cover yourself in print-outs of ads, articles or videos, do your make-up to look like you’re gonna puke, strap a hot water bottle to your head and put a big thermometer in your mouth.
Mobile App
This one’s so super groan-worthy, it’s a guaranteed way to make friends at the Halloween party. Just walk around carrying a tasty appetizer platter. Add a taxi driver cap for extra eye rolls.
Dress as coffee cup, add some beautiful script writing on the cup and hot sleeve and you’ve got JavaScript!
SEO Ninja
Dress in all black, but this time add a mask and some ninja swords. Then tape keywords all over your body.
Call to Action (Couples Costume!)
One person carries around a big megaphone, or telephone, and other person dresses as a film clapboard. Hiyo!
404 Costume not Found (The cop-out)
This by far requires the least effort. Get a white t-shirt and a sharpie and write “Error 404 costume not found” on there. Done and done.